Did y’all hear about that flap at the Georgetown court house? A bailiff and a deputy attorney general play jokes with guns. Meanwhile Matthew Opaliski has resigned the Sussex GOP for his gun “crimes”. The school district referendum, Firefly update and much more.
Let me admit right here that I am not familiar with the two school district referendums this past week.
Voters in the Red Clay School District approved an operating budget referendum while residents in the Christina School District said “no” to a pair of proposed tax hike options to bolster the bottom line there. Red Clay’s referendum passed by a nearly 900-vote margin, 6,395 to 5,515. It will raise taxes 35 cents per $100 of assessed property value over three years to cover increased operating expenses and provide for improvements in technology, curriculum and student services. The cost to the average homeowner in Red Clay once it’s fully phased in: an additional 280 dollars per year
As I understand it, Red Clay school district residents will have an increase in their property taxes of about $280 a year when all is phased in. Folks, that’s one hell of a lot of money to this poor widow woman.
ile residents in the Christina School District said “no” to a pair of proposed tax hike options to bolster the bottom line there.
The really suspicious activity with these referendums is how the Red Clay people got out and pushed their referendum, something school employees are not allowed to do as I understand it.
So property taxes will rise in the Red Clay district and will not in the Christina School district. Shows the difference when the agenda is pushed. We all should take away a lesson from it all.
What the Hell Happened in that court room in Georgetown?
A prank involving two prosecutors, a courthouse bailiff and a pointed gun has led a judge to revoke the ability of bailiffs statewide to carry firearms when working in courtrooms.
The incident occurred the week of Feb. 2 on the second floor of the Sussex County Courthouse, where the county’s Superior Court is housed. A person who works in the courthouse said the prank involved the courthouse’s chief bailiff, Delbert Garrison, opening the door to a side room where lawyers work and pointing his service weapon at a deputy attorney general in the room.http://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/local/2015/02/23/sussex-prosecutor-suspended-courthouse-gun-prank/23908121/>
According to Delaware online a prosecutor, Adam Gelof, coaxed the chief bailiff, Delbert Garrison, to barge into a room where a second deputy attorney general was meeting with lawyers AND a detective for the Delaware state police were meeting. Garrison pointed a gun at the attorney general at the meeting. This was all arranged because of some prank played on Gelof.
What the hell were they thinking? The detective from the Delaware state police did not know of the prank and pulled his gun. Some people could have seriously been shot.
Meanwhile Matthew Opaliski is indicted on improper gun sales as our prosecutors and baliffs act like a bunch of wild west oafs.
Both Gelof and Garrison have been SUSPENDED (NOT fired) WITH PAY. A court judge has declared baliffs will no longer be allowed to carry guns because of this prank….say what?
And OUR GUY faces an indictment WITH NO PAY while the idiots allowed to carry guns treat them as if toys.
Anybody knows more about this story, contact me. I’d like to follow up on it.
McCartney to come to Firefly
Firefly Music Festival announced today the addition of Paul McCartney to the 2015 lineup. It is Paul’s first ever appearance in Delaware and the latest confirmed date of this year’s Out There tour,
It’s called the worst kept secret in Delaware. But Paul McCartney is coming to the next Dover Firefly festival.
Meanwhile Sussex county turned down such festivals for the NAMBY nuts.
Sussex GOP announces Opaliski resignation
Matthew Opaliski should hire the bailiff at the Georgetown court house to sell his guns for him. Maybe the practical joke playing prosecutor should be Matthew’s prosecutor:
Laurel, DE – Sussex County Republican Committee Chairman Vince Calabro has accepted the resignation of 35th Representative District Committee Chairman Matthew Opaliski.
Opaliski’s resignation is effective immediately.
An election will be held, prior to the next scheduled meeting of the Sussex Republican Executive Committee, to fill this vacancy. Any registered Republican who resides in the 35th Representative District,…=============
Bodenweiser “victim” guilty of illegal gun possession
Charles DePrisco was facing charges of Possession of a Firearm by a Person Prohibited, and he received a sentence of eight years of prison which are suspended, with one-year level two probation. He also must forfeit the weapon seized.
I am a little confused if this fellow falls in that category of mandatory sentencing for felony crimes involving a firearm but fell through that age loophole that mine state senator Pettyjohn is trying to plug as covered by a recent post of mine.
But maybe not in that the felonies DePrisco is accused of in Florida are NOT felonies in Delaware. He received a sentence (NOT mandatory) of eight years, suspended, with one year level two probation. Also he must forfeit the weapon to be given to Delaware deputy attorney generals to use for more pranks.
I do not respond to comments on my posts. I certainly have no problem with such commentary and, indeed, encourage it. But I’ve written my piece and I don’t want to argue it further.
Please feel free to email me at patfish1@aol.com if you want to send me a special comment or have any ideas or information you want to share.
NEXT : Post in pictures coming up soon.
But Paul McCartney is coming to the next Dover Firefly festival.
“She loves you [cough] yeah [cough] yeah [wheeze] yeah, [inaudible]….”
I would go for him alone but its a nasty event. Very expensive 3 day only ticket then a tent site for 150 bucks and food, dust, filth…
You expect smoked partridge served on Herend china in an air-conditioned skybox?
With a sushi bar and the Bud girls in short skirts selling test tube shoorters