Well it seems as though the race in the 20th Representative District wasn’t interesting enough. That’s right, as if having an eighty-six year old former Lewes Town council member running against the incumbent Republican former state Trooper, for the seat in the 20th, wasn’t interesting enough, now we have that ever-present campaign loser, Don Ayotte entering.
And in the usual Ayotte style, he has backed into the race. Instead of simply filing for the race before the July 12th deadline on Tuesday, he announced on Tuesday morning, that he would be filing on Thursday as the Independent Party of Delaware candidate. He also announced that following his filing, he would hold a press conference. More on that in a bit.
So why would he not simply file on Tuesday, since he had obviously made the decision prior to that? Well anyone who knows Mr. Ayotte knows his pathological need to seem important. In waiting till after the deadline, he gets to utilize his position as the grand-poo-pa of the IPOD to appoint candidates past the deadline. So you see, the IPOD is such a powerhouse of a party, that they couldn’t find anyone else to run on the ticket. And so, “by popular demand”, according to a press release, Don Ayotte stepped forward, only later to step in it. So not only does he get to be the candidate, he gets to be the person who appoints the candidate.
Two yeas ago Ayotte also ran for the same seat, and received a whopping 217 votes, not that wasn’t a typo, 217 votes. This has inspired him to run once again, in the hopes of garnering even fewer votes.
As for the press conference following his filing? Well according to someone who obviously had nothing better to do, Mr. Ayotte filed, walked out the door of the Department of elections, looked around, found no press, no adoring crowds, not even a kid eating ice cream, got in his pick-up truck and left.
I am sure we will have plenty of opportunity to have some fun at the expense of Mr. Ayotte in the coming months. And as always, the answer to the question of who will win the race in the 20th is, “Not Don Ayotte”!
Heh. That’s all I have to say.
Yeah, Pat.
You”re near the limit of your vocabulary..
I heard Mr. Ayotte on the radio this morning. He nailed Smyk on that gun legislation and good for him. It’s time for some good and competent representation in the 20th District and we’re not going to get it from Smyk. Mr. Ayotte asked Gaffney what Smyk had done in the last 4 years except draw 54K a year in pay. Gaffney couldn’t think of one positive thing Smyk had done. I think there was massive election fraud in the 20th District last election.
Mr. Ayotte is right Frank, you are a hate blogger. You haven’t got a single ounce of common sense.
HEH??? That’s about all a failed Delaware Right blogger can say.
You, Cragg, Grossman and Knotts are all a bunch of pathetic LOSERS.
“20 District voter” use of “Mr.” when referring to Don Ayotte confers a social status that he doesn’t extend to Steve Smyk, Dan Gaffney, or Frank Knotts. Hmmm.
He has no chance but I think his goal is to interfere, not win; he knows he can’t win!
Can Ayotte lick the Smyk shtick? Probably not. But maybe he can push great-grandmum past the finish line (or at least carry the oxygen tank). She can then focus on important issues at Leg Hall, like what color to paint the buttery or whether pink or blue hydrangeas go best with red brick.
Well Rick, there was some concern the last time NDA ran and lost, that he might pull enough votes to give the win to the Democrat. But now we have the 217 bench mark, even if he exceeds expectations, he will only need to get 218.
And by the way, I think we all know who 20th District Voter is.
Don’t count out Ayotte. He’s tough and he’s determined. The GOP hates his guts because he’s not on the TAKE, cares about people, doesn’t scare easily and doesn’t take any crap .Unlike Smyk, he won’t carry water for Schwartzkopf.
Smyk has done nothing for the people in the 20th. His 2014 campaign treasurer was recently relieved of his duties as CFO at the Indian River School District. This is the same scumbag who was kicked out of Brandywine for theft of school property and misappropriation of school funds, so, Smyk has some explaining to do besides counting condoms
Frank, when I write something on your wretched site, I use my own name.
What are you talking about Don? I didn’t mention any name? But do take note that you are welcome to read and comment on this wretched site, and will not be deleted as you do all my comments on DP.
Barbara Vaughan can run circles around you critics-certainly mentally. She is sharp and she is quick. She is healthy. Her age means wisdom and she will not use a House seat as some pipe-dream steppingstone to higher office. Her years on the Lewes council and planning commission have helped build a vibrant, clean, attractive and well run town. She will be a productive member of the House majority, not a proponent of nutty legislation or inconsistent voting. Pointing fingers at her age when a two-term president Trump (perish the thought) would be near that age at the end. Konrad Adenauer was elected chancellor of West Germany at 90! I will take Vaughan against Smyk and Ayotte on any issue. And I hope Don gets a thousand votes–I would be happy to pick up three House seats in Sussex.
Mitch, guess who will get a thousand votes? Not Don Ayotte 😂
This scrawny excuse for a blog post reveals the author’s stunning ignorance of Delaware election laws. Even a 30-second glance at the 2016 Delaware Election Calendar reveals that the filing deadlines for candidates in primary nominating parties is different than the selection deadline for convention nominating parties — not to mention the high level of personal hatred, age prejudice and misogyny.
Very little of Delaware Right is credible or believable.
Rick, if you think that age is an issue with Vaughn’s candidacy, then could I trouble you to provide some evidence to support your view? And if you think that Vaughn isn’t capable of thinking beyond what colors complement each other, then let’s hear from him about that too. Anxiously awaiting to read what you know about Vaughn that makes you so dismissive of her, Rick.
I really did want to curb my sarcasm…. but I can not help myself. Since the IPOD is the fastest growing political party in the state of Delaware ( according to its director of special operations ) ( also see secret squirrel ). This should be a litmus test for the relevance of said party and individual. Just saying.
Since the IPOD is the fastest growing political party in the state of Delaware ( according to its director…..
This is a fact. In the past four years, their membership had doubled- from 8 to 16.
Rick, if you think that age is an issue with Vaughn’s candidacy, then could I trouble you to provide some evidence to support your view?
Well, when making her birthday cake, Food Lion ran out of candles.
Is Barbara a charter member of the Lewes council?
Perhaps. I think she said that she played with Ryves Holt’s children.
“Shoot if you must, this old grey head
But spare the Lewes Mercantile Exchange, she said…”
Accuracy, are you saying that IPOD is a minor party? They have ballot access so they are held to the same rules as the GOP and Dems. The 12th was the deadline to register as a candidate, however each party can select a person to fill a slot. It is telling that the so called leadership of the POD people could find no one beyond themselves to place as a candidate.
Ha ha. Good ones Rick. Got any clever zingers about Vaughn’s fellow octogenarian, Sam Wilson?
Humor often is deployed when you want to dodge a question solely because you can’t properly answer it.
It is obvious that no one on the staff of Delaware Right has the proper level of legal, professional, research, analytical or basic writing talent to report accurately on matters of Delaware election law.
Even a cursory reference to 15 Del. C. would indicate that there are two sets of candidate filings, but, apparently not so in the Bizzaro world of DR and Frank Knotts.
As long as the lunatics continue to run the ASSylum, this sorry state of affairs will not improve anytime soon.
Well Accuracy, help me out, please. Quote chapter and verse. Or else admit you consider IPOD a minor party.
Frank’s intellectual laziness is outstanding.
He really needs to do a little research before posting his trash.
Accuracy, unless you quote the part of the code you say exist, then you are just saying I am wrong. Why not prove it. Quote chapter and verse.
Isn’t it in 2 Corinthians
It’s obviously in the Delaware Election Calendar, previously cited.
I regret sincerely having by act or omission failure on my part to make anything not interesting enough for you to write about, My most sincere apologies and my word that I will endeavor to eschew even the appearance of trying to be not interesting. I understand fully that writers like to eat as much as any other organism on God’s earth. #noted Maybe the anonymous Media person is doing the same thing that Mr. Knott’s sycophants do here? Using a fake name to try and not be held accountable? Although I see nothing worth getting twisted over, perhaps Delawareright should ask a lawyer? Frank, you are a miserable goat smelling son of a bitch and a poor excuse for a man, my opinion only, You are obviously a coward and a sympathizer of child molesting perverts or you would Google Delware Judge WIlliam C. Bradley and further explore William C. Bradley Delaware site:newspapers.com and maybe even google Wayne Averill Delaware as well. But you haven’t so until you do the REAL DOUG BEATTY, Me says your rotten butt is worse than shady and you may call yourself lesbiman but Lesbians and Men have higher standards in my experience with both groups, another opinion, everybody has them. Your’s stink good Sir, Blow it out your ass as my better Bill Colley once said on air. You apparent state schill and apparent child molesting pervert sympathizer, have a nice day,
Accuracy, you said it was in state code, “Even a cursory reference to 15 Del. C.”. Now you say it is the calendar. Here is the calendar.
Prepared by the State Election Commissioner 905 S. Governors Ave., Suite 170, Dover, DE 19904
Title 15
November 5, 2014 The Department of Elections begins to accept applications for absentee ballots from uniformed services and overseas citizens for the 2016 Elections. 5518(a)
January 27, 2016 The Department of Elections can accept applications for absentee ballots from regular absentee voters for the 2016
Elections. 5503(d)(4)
January 1, 2016 through
July 15, 2016 Persons wishing to run as unaffiliated with a political party may circulate and have petitions executed. 3002(d)
January 20, 2016 by 4:30 p.m. Deadline 2015 Year-End Campaign Finance Report due. 8030(c)(1)
February 26, 2016 Deadline to file as a candidate for the Presidential Primary. 3183(a)
February 26, 2016 DEADLINE to change political party affiliation before the 3189
Presidential Primary.
March 4, 2016 Deadline to file for School Board candidates. Title 14
April 2, 2016 DEADLINE to register to vote before the 2036
Presidential Primary.
April 11, 2016 DEADLINE for Military and Overseas Citizens to register to 1902(c)
vote before the Presidential Primary.
April 22, 2016 Last day the Department of Elections is required to mail absentee ballots for the Presidential Primary Election. 5504(b)
April 23, 2016 Supplemental Poll Lists are available to principal political parties from the Department of Elections. 304(d)
April 25, 2016 at 12 Noon The last time that the Department of Elections can issue an absentee ballot for the Presidential Primary. 5503(a)
Presidential Primary Election
Polls open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Only registered voters from participating parties may vote.
April 26, 2016 3181(a)
April 26, 2016 at 8 p.m. DEADLINE to return voted absentee ballots for the
Presidential Primary Election to the Department of Elections. 5508(b)
April 27, 2016 through
May 27, 2016
Registered voters may change political party affiliation. 2049(a)
April 28, 2016 at 8 p.m. DEADLINE to report any objection or dispute relating to the Presidential Primary Election to the Department of Elections. 3172(b)
May 10, 2016 School Board Elections Title 14 Polls open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. 1072(c)
May 27, 2016 DEADLINE to change political party affiliation before the 2049
Primary Election.
July 1, 2016 DEADLINE for the major political party chairpersons to set filing fees. 3103(b) & (c)
July 12, 2016
at 12 Noon DEADLINE to file for a Statewide Office with the State Election Commissioner and for all other offices with the Department of Elections. 3101(1)
July 15, 2016 at 4:30 p.m. DEADLINE for filed candidates to withdraw or file for a different office without forfeiting filing fees. 3101(2)
July 15, 2016 DEADLINE for petitions to be circulated by unaffiliated candidates. 3002(d)
July 26, 2016 Deadline for Republican Party to file certificates of nomination from the national nominating convention. 3303
August 1, 2016 DEADLINE for Minor Parties to select their candidates at the party’s state or county nominating convention. 3301(e)
Within 10 business days of Minor Party Convention Deadline for Minor Parties to deliver a copy of each nominating resolution, which shall be certified as true and correct by the party’s secretary, to the State Election Commissioner for each statewide office and to the respective county Election office for all other offices.
August 2, 2016 Deadline for Democratic Party to file certificates of nomination from the national nominating convention. 3303
August 14, 2016 at 12 Midnight Campaign Finance 30-Day Primary Report period ends for balloted candidates and all other committees. 8030(b)(2)
August 16, 2016 by 4:30 p.m. Deadline 30-Day Primary Report due. 8030(c)(2)
August 20, 2016 DEADLINE to register to vote before the 2036
Primary Election.
August 23, 2016 Deadline for Minor Parties to have the required number of registered voters in order to put candidates on the General
Election Ballot. 3001
August 29, 2016 DEADLINE for Military and Overseas Citizens to register to 1902
vote before the Primary Election.
September 1, 2016 at 12 Noon DEADLINE for Major Party officials to file Certificates of Nomination for candidates for offices for which no member of their party has filed.
September 1, 2016 at 4:30 p.m. Filing deadline for sworn declaration of non-affiliation and nominating petitions for unaffiliated candidates.
September 5, 2016 at 12 Midnight Campaign Finance 8-Day Primary Report period ends for balloted candidates and all other committees.
September 7, 2016 by 4:30 p.m. Deadline 8-Day Primary Report due.
September 9, 2016 Last day the Department of Elections is required to mail absentee ballots for the Primary Election.
September 10, 2016 Supplemental Poll Lists are available to principal political parties from the Department of Elections.
September 12, 2016 at 12 Noon The last time that the Department of Elections must issue an absentee ballot for the Primary Election.
Primary Election
Polls open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Only registered voters from participating parties may vote.
September 13, 20163101(3)
October 31, 2016 at 12 Midnight Campaign Finance 8-Day General Report period ends for balloted candidates and all other committees. 8030(b)(3)
September 13, 2016 at 8 p.m. DEADLINE for voters to return voted absentee ballots for the Primary Election to the Department of Elections. 5508(b)
September 14, 2016 Registered voters may change Political Party affiliation. 2049(a)
September 15, 2016 at 8 p.m. DEADLINE to report any objection or dispute relating to the Primary Election to the Department of Elections. 3172(b)
September 30, 2016 at 4:30 p.m. DEADLINE to file a Write In Candidate Declaration Form for Statewide Offices with the State Election Commissioner and for all other candidates with the Department of Elections. 3402(c)
October 9, 2016 at 12 Midnight Campaign Finance 30-Day General Report period ends for balloted candidates and all other committees. 8030(b)(2)
October 11, 2016 by 4:30 p.m. Deadline 30-Day General Report due. 8030(c)(2)
October 15, 2016 DEADLINE to register to vote before the 2036
General Election.
October 24, 2016 1902(c)
DEADLINE for uniformed services members and overseas citizens to register to vote before the General Election.
November 2, 2016 by 4:30 p.m. Deadline 8-Day General Report due. 8030(c)(3)
November 4, 2016 Last day the Department of Elections is required to mail absentee ballots for the General Election. 5504(b)
November 5, 2016 Supplemental Poll Lists are available to principal political parties from the Departments of Elections. 304(d)
November 7, 2016 at 12 Noon The last time that the Department of Elections must issue an absentee ballot for the General Election. 5503(a)
General Election Polls open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
November 8, 2016State
November 8, 2016 at 8 p.m. DEADLINE for voters to return voted absentee ballots for the 5508(b)
General Election to the Department of Elections.
November 10, 2016 at 10 a.m. Board of Canvass meets in Superior Court. State
ART V 5701(a)
December 31, 2016 at 12 Midnight Campaign Finance Year-End Report; period ends for all 8030(b)(1) candidates and committees.
January 20, 2017 at 4:30 p.m. Deadline to file 2016 Year-End Campaign Finance report. 8030(c)(1)
Now I have made it easy for you, simply copy and paste the date and time that makes your case.
The answer is staring you in the face. How DUMB do you get? If you can’t see it get GROSSman to look it up. It’s about time that he did something useful.