The following is a press release for the Republican candidate for the 18th Representative District, to replace the resigning Rep. Michael Barbieri.
This will be officially announced later tonight at the Western Regional Committee meeting at around seven.
We here at Delaware Right wish the candidate good luck, and hope that Republicans from around the state will get behind this campaign and push, all in the same direction.
Eileen O’Shaughnessy- Coleman
Candidate for Delaware House of Representatives – 18th District
2015 Special Election
- Lifelong resident of Newark area (24 year resident of district)
- John Coleman, husband of 29 years
- Mother of 5 (2 effected by autism)
- Graduate of John Dickinson High School
- Graduate of University of Delaware – 1986, BAS Communications
- Progressive Pool Management, Manager 1980-1986
- Citicorp (Delaware), Overseas Investment, 1987-1992
- Autism Advocate (two Children affected by autism)
- Mancus Foundation, Board Member
- Wedgewood Swim Club – Board President
- St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, Volunteer
- St. Ann Catholic Church, Volunteer
- Padua Academy, Volunteer
- Brandywine High School, Volunteer
- Salesianum School, Volunteer
- Office of Congressman Mike Castle, Intern
- Honorable Terry Spence, Campaign Volunteer
- Honorable Mike Ramone, Campaign Volunteer
“There have been times in my life when the financial burdens of raising two children with autism, along with three other children, has nearly cost us our home. With the help of our family and the community around us, we worked hard and overcame those challenges. I’ve had to stand-up to bureaucrats to fight for the resources that my kids, and others like them, have needed to deal with what life has thrown them. Over the nearly 25 years I’ve lived here I’ve learned that most of my neighbors have had to confront their own unique challenges. I’m running for office to speak out for those that have too often not had a voice. I’m running because I want to help.”
– Eileen O’Shaughnessy – Coleman
Please make checks payable to:
Friends of Eileen
133 Pawnee Court
Newark, DE 19702
$600 campaign contribution limit
But does she have any experience with stopping abortion or gay marriage. How about ebola?
As of right now, she will win.
Since when is it a conservative position that government is supposed to “help” people?
“The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” – Ronald Reagan …
This candidate is no conservative.
Fish Bites, can you show where she stated it was government’s responsibility to “help” people? She did say she, “With the help of our family and the community around us, we worked hard and overcame those challenges. ” Family and community.
She also said, “I’ve had to stand-up to bureaucrats to fight for the resources that my kids, and others like them, have needed to deal with what life has thrown them. ”
She obviously is talking about her children who have Autism. Even conservatives believe that society has a responsibility to help the truly disadvantaged.
Glad to oblige, Mr. Nots:
“I’m running because I want to help.”
I don’t want help from a politician.
Fish Bites, you confuse, or purposefully liken an individual stepping up to serve and represent citizens, with an over reaching government. No where did she say it was government’s role to help. In you interpretation of what she said, you would have to condemn even Reagan whom you quoted.
If you so-called “conservatives” were really opposed to “over reaching government”, you would not be so mum about the police murder epidemic of black Americans.
“Even conservatives believe that society has a responsibility to help the truly disadvantaged.”
“Society” and “government” are two different things. Family and community, Frank. Not government. That’s what charities are for.
First, Fish Bites, it seems that we agree, not sure what your point is now. You just repeated what I wrote, thanks.
Delacrat, talk about over reaching? Your arms must be a mile long to attempt to bring your last statement into this discussion, but if you really want to dance to that well worn Democrat chestnut, okay.
You say, “If you so-called “conservatives” were really opposed to “over reaching government”, you would not be so mum about the police murder epidemic of black Americans.”.
You attempt to make it a race issue by saying police are murdering blacks. I think this points out your racial bias, since if police are “murdering” anyone, it isn’t a matter of race in my opinion, it is just murder of citizens, their race should not matter, a crime is a crime.
Second, if crimes are being committed and not prosecuted, that is, again in my opinion, not a political issue, and so not a partisan issue.
If laws are broken and not enforced or prosecuted, then that is a problem with the Attorneys General and the courts.
But if you want to make it political, could you tell us all here which party has been in control of the AG’s office and which party has been appointing judges in Delaware in the recent past?
You see we have enough laws already against the abuse of authority and murder, so we don’t need more legislation simply to pander to a political voting block.
“You see we have enough laws already against the abuse of authority and murder,
Well, what is “enough laws”. How do you conclude we have “enough” and if we have “enough”, then why did Ms. Bland wind up dead in jail for not signaling a lane change ?
“so we don’t need more legislation simply to pander to a political voting block.”
Whoa ….. that’s strong word there. “Pander” is defined as to “cater basely”. What do think is base about black Americans ?
Ooooooooooo! Delacrat is scaring me now.
Yes we have laws against abuse of powers and murder, if those laws are broken and not enforced, what good does it do to pass more laws that won’t be enforced? As for the definition of pander, I found this one, “a person who caters to or profits from the weaknesses or vices of others.”
The weakness in this case would be the historical , with good reason, distrust of the police by the black community.
As for why Mrs. Bland ended up dead? Neither you nor I know why. But she ended up in jail for non-compliance with the officer. Instead of availing herself of the judicial system she chose to be a roadside activist, much like the freepers who hassle the police at DUI checkpoints.
“The weakness in this case would be the historical , with good reason, distrust of the police by the black community.” – Frank
So ….an accurate understanding, held “with good reason” is a “weakness”.
Frank, you’ve just confirmed my suspicion that logic is not your strong suit,
So, Frank, which is it:
“Family and community.”
“I’ve had to stand-up to bureaucrats to fight for the resources that my kids, and others like them, have needed…”
Wait, wait, don’t tell me. There are bureaucrats in her family. Is that it?
“Even conservatives believe that society has a responsibility to help the truly disadvantaged.”
But apparently we are spending too much to help the falsely disadvantaged. I know! Let’s hire some people to find out which ones are “truly disadvantaged” and which ones are faking it, and give them a set of rules and procedures in order to figure out which ones are which! Hmmm… I think I know where those bureaucrats are coming from.
Ever notice whenever the authorities murder some unarmed black man in a traffic stop or kill some black woman in jail, all the talk radio educated conservatives blame the victim and rationalize the murder but if the same authorities come after some right wing welfare cheat rube rancher, the same right wing folk are ready to form a militia. Why is that?
Fish Bite,
So … think we should not be concerned about autistic kids and other persons with special needs ?
Have you considered a getting soul implant ?
“So … think we should not be concerned about autistic kids and other persons with special needs ?”
Yes, we should be concerned about a lot of things.
You think government is the answer to every problem?
So, let’s make the big list of “everything we should be concerned about”, take money out of your paycheck, and spend it on the things on that list.
Sound good?
Oh, I forgot. You’re a liberal. Of course that sounds good to you, as long as the money comes out of someone else’s pocket. But if taxes, laws, or anything else applies to you, then it’s “oppression”.
Uh, fish bite, liberals pay taxes too.
I had no idea that government handouts were taxed.
I learn something new every day.
fish bits,
Actually most taxes liberals pay are taxes on wage or salary income. .
… and “conservatives” get government “handouts”(benefits) too.
Delacrat, the weakness is that they allow themselves to be manipulated by people playing on that mistrust. And you have demonstrated what I have always suspected of you, you are more interested in being a progressive Democrat, than you are in solving problems.
Fish Bites, did you read her statement? She has two children who are challenged by Autism, these are truly citizens disadvantaged and deserve society’s help.
“She has two children who are challenged by Autism, these are truly citizens disadvantaged and deserve society’s help.”
You still don’t seem to be able to distinguish between “society” and “government.”
I donate to charities, including ones which help disabled children.
I do not need someone with the authority of guns and badges to take my money and decide what “society” is going to do with it.
There are a lot of children who need a lot of things. Government is the worst possible way to meet those needs.
Or is that what “conservatism” has come to now? Someone needs something. Quick, let’s call in the government!
Fish Bites, a truly representative government is not separate from society, it is reflective of society. So if our society is caring of the truly disadvantaged, then so should our government be.
” the weakness is that they allow themselves to be manipulated by people playing on that mistrust.”
So they act, not in reaction to experienced reality, but from manipulation by people you don’t name.
You have bemoaned in the past that the GOP lacks diversity. With such a paternalistic attitude like yours, that’s no surprise.
Delacrat, they react based on experience, or in some cases related experience, they are manipulated by people who play on those experiences by telling them things will be better if we just pass another law, and if they just continue to vote for Democrats.
Well tell me Delacrat, which party has the African American community voted for historically for decades, and where has that gotten them ? With all of the promises, and laws passed, are they any better off having supported the Democrats?
“Well tell me Delacrat, which party has the African American community voted for historically for decades,” – Frank
The Republican Party. Then GOP presidential candidate Goldwater ran his campaign around opposition to the Voting Rights Act of 1964.
Frank, it sounds like you need to sort out your differences with the guy up thread who said:
“Fish Bites, can you show where she stated it was government’s responsibility to “help” people?”
Fish bits,
It’s obvious that you are in mortal fear of the possibility that somebody, somewhere is getting the help they need.
“””””””If you so-called “conservatives” were really opposed to “over reaching government”, you would not be so mum about the police murder epidemic of black Americans.”””””””
You mean the ones that you Planned Parenthood didn’t get to sell for parts.
Thank you for your support for a dignified candidate for office.
Government is only supposed to help the 1% and if you parrot talk radio everyday and fill your lower middle class self with indignant rage over the estate tax, you too will make it to the 1%
If the cops arrested some red neck tax cheat rancher they would be all over it