Following the President’s delivery of the State of the Union address last night, I though I would put up an open thread to allow the readers to give their opinions. But really, if all you are going to do is tell us you didn’t watch it because he’s a liar, then save your time and ours. Because if that is your attitude, it tell us that you are uniformed and close minded. Even if you disagree with the administration, even if you do think the President is a liar, as an involved and informed citizen, you should take the time to watch.
Personally, I think it was his very best State of the Union address of his entire presidency. It was his last!
I haven’t read the transcript yet, so I’m not quoting him, but I recall Obama saying that if you don’t believe in man made global warming, it’s like not believing Sputnik was orbiting the Earth.
I also thought it was odd that he said people who don’t believe in global warming are up against what the US military believes about global warming.
Then he went on to say that alternative energy is big business, and that even if you don’t believe in man made global warming, you should jump on board for the economic benefits alone. ( Economic benefits for his cronies, right?)
I had to chuckle as he feigned concern over the growing wealth divide that he vigorously helped along by printing money and giving it to Wall Street . ( What ever happened to all those “roads and bridges” that were supposed to come out of that money?).
The president also included in his speech, that he lamented the fact that he didn’t unify the two political parties, and that they are even further divided than ever.
( How do you lament something that you willfully and whole heartedly encouraged?)
The President does read a good teleprompter though. You have to give credit where credit is due. It doesn’t even look like he’s watching a tennis match anymore when he gives a speech.
But really, if all you are going to do is tell us you didn’t watch it because he’s a liar, then save your time and ours. Because if that is your attitude, it tell us that you are uniformed and close minded.
“Uninformed and close minded?” Hardly. After a while, you know how grass grows; do you really have to sit and watch it?
I’m sure it was – as usual- full of “I, I, I,” and “my administration” and so on. And hour and a half of self-congratulatory back-patting. Too bad his approval ratings don’t match his egocentricity.
Did he reveal to the American people how many more statutes he intends to ignore or how many de facto legislative acts he intends to enact by way of executive fiat? I didn’t think so.
Maybe I am close-minded. After seven years of watching our Imperial President, there’s nothing left to learn.
And once again Rick thank you for being my visual aid.
Why am I not surprised that Rick can opine on and attack a speech he did not see, hear or read?
But then, even if he had, he would still be wrong.
“Look, if anybody still wants to dispute the science around climate change, have at it.
You will be pretty lonely because you’ll be debating our military, most of America’s business leaders, the majority of the American people, almost the entire scientific community, and 200 nations around the world who agree it’s a problem and intend to solve it.”
What in the world does, “you’ll be debating our military”, mean ? What does the military have to do with it? Will you be insubordinate now, if you’re in the military and deny that man made global warming exists? Can you be a conscientious objector?
I believe the point he was making was that when the Russians beat us into space, it was unpleasant but we didn’t deny they beat us. We just rolled up our sleeves and walked on the moon 12 years later. Same with climate change. We can fix it and benefit with jobs. Must have been too complicated a metaphor for some folk to grasp
Does carbon dioxide absorb and re-emit infrared or does it not? Can you answer that question and think about the implications or is that too complicated too?
Well, the military has weighed in on climate change. So has the SmarterSafer coalition – You know, Insurance companies. So if you want to “debate” science, these guys aren’t on your side. That means you’ll be debating them.
Nah ha
Why am I not surprised that Rick can opine on and attack a speech he did not see, hear or read?
You aren’t very bright, are you?
First, I didn’t bother to watch because I had better things to do. Furthermore, I already knew what
he’s say; just another tedious variation of his usual themes. “I,I,I, me, me’, ad nauseum.
Secondly, while I didn’t see his address, I did- as I do every morning- visit several news sites. Amazingly, several articles mentioned the speech, and the nonsense contained therein; including quotes!
Ever seen a painting of Londoners skating on the Thames? Ever heard of the Little Ice Age? Did you know that reptiles used to live on the Great Plains? Yes, the climate changes.
And once again Rick thank you for being my visual aid.
And thanks to Pandora and mouse for being my visual aid. Conservatives have so much to learn from them.
Did you ever read a book and understand there are multiple climate cycles in addition to human CO2 climate change or is that too complicated
No wonder conservatives have always hated and feared science and scientists throughout history
Did you ever read a book and understand there are multiple climate cycles in addition to human CO2 climate change or is that too complicated…
Maybe you’d better ask yourself the same question, Chicken Little.
North America Times, circa 10 million BC….
“New Discovery Threatens Planet
A dangerous and toxic new discovery, fire, may eventually lead to the extinction of our endangered dinosaurs and possibly even life itself on our fragile planet….
Hysteria is contagious.
Mouse, what happened to all the native American communities that were located miles off of our coastline just a scant few thousand years ago?
The military does and thinks what the government tells it to. Let’s just put that out there first.
Same with climate change. We can fix it and benefit with jobs.
Exactly what Jack Markell thought back in 2008 with Fiskar, Bloom Energy and solar panels. It all went bust. Look at Bluewater Wind, the Legislature voted in favor of it, we wasted time, money and resources on the project, and in the end it went bust with only a handful of people ever seeing a dime.
Excuse me, campaigned on in 2008, attempted to implement in 2009.
Maybe google cognitive dissonance
I have no problem with alternative energy- as long is it is developed and implemented with private money. Obama’s cronies- many of whom went “bankrupt”- got rich on taxpayer money, and that is just plain wrong. If it’s such a good idea, use your own money.
How many of you green frauds drive electric cars? Have solar-paneled roofs? Use public transportation?
Google “hypocrite.”
We don’t have solar panels in Wilmington because we have a slate roof, but we do have them at the beach house. We also own a Prius and everyone here has a DART pass and uses many forms of public transportation. So… you were saying?
“Slate roof”, “beach house”, “Preus”, and I bet you received a pretty good tax payer funded subsidy on those solar panels. Fits the typical mold of an elite leftist, I have to say.
Do you also discuss the finer points of global warming, while jetting across the friendly skies, en route to diesel powered ski resorts?……Because that would be pretty typical also.
Nice to know you like engaging in class warfare.
(FYI: We actually drove to my brother’s ski house in Killington last month.)
Slumming it ,were ya…?
I’m just messing with you pandora. It’s all good. I used to do a little skiing back in the day. I don’t have anything against it.
Now this is what we call winter sport in our neck of the woods.
Class envy