Who Knows What’s Happening In The Sussex County GOP?

NDA   Some of my long time readers are familiar with my “Not Don Ayotte” series. Often they were used simply as a comedic foil to talk about other topics. They were born out of my opposition to NDA being elected to any sort of office, even dog catcher.   I used them frequently during NDA’s most recent failed run at being elected. Once that was over, I decided to stop using them, since NDA was now even more irrelevant. I had many people telling me to continue, they gave me suggestions for how to use them, but I said no, because that would be like stomping baby chicks, just because I liked to stomp baby chicks.

But just the other day NDA decided to put himself back on the radar, so here we go. NDA wrote a post on a site that intended to give the impression that he knew what was happening within the Sussex County GOP Executive Committee.

This, even though NDA has left the Republican Party to be “Secret Squirrel” for the POD People within the “Indpendent” Party Of Delaware. (Some will get the joke of the misspelling of the word independent.)

NDA has taken it upon himself, with the help of a chorus of anonymous snakes, (Some of these “people” may be no more than NDA sock puppets.) to attack my series of articles chronicling the latest version of the same old problems within the Sussex GOP Executive Committee.   “They” have been using the echo chamber of that site to make it seems as if NDA actually knows what he is talking about, he doesn’t.

The controversy centers around the newly elected Chairman, and his fellow travelers within the Executive Committee, including the Vice-Chair Fred Silva, and their possible illegal fund-raising activities, the possibility that they held the Treasurer of the Committee in a room against her will, the “FACT” that they called the police on me using a false statement and claim.

What this is really all about is them trying to protect Lacey Lafferty and her failed, oh I am sorry, her doomed to fail campaign for governor. (Got ahead of myself there.) This in my opinion is what was behind the phony PAC that never was, and the reason the Treasurer was harassed, according to her.

NDA and his legion have been quoting my postings, and threatening law suits, they have claimed to be copying my post for use in these law suits. Well, I thought I would make it easier for them, and those interested in the truth about my writings, so I have put together a list of links in chronological order to the relevant articles. The first one actually goes back to 2013, but may have actually been the beginning of this ongoing issue between myself and the Sussex GOP Executive Committee.

Please be assured, nothing has been edited, or changed. I will warn those faint of hearts, the two photos in the second link did cause a bit of a stir, sorry but I refuse to remove anything so as not to open myself up to false claims of editing.

Please take the time to read these post in their entirety, and in the order they were written and decide for yourself who knows best what is happening in the Sussex County GOP?

http://www.delawareright.com/in-my-official-capacity-as-the-election-district-chairperson-for-the-gop-2nd-of-the-35th/   5/1513

http://www.delawareright.com/i-cant-breath/  1/13/15

http://www.delawareright.com/i-resign/  1/13/15

http://www.delawareright.com/the-new-rinos/   1/26/15

http://www.delawareright.com/is-this-what-passes-for-transparency-in-the-sussex-gop/  2/14/15

http://www.delawareright.com/whos-afraid-of-the-big-bad-blogger-2/  3/11/15

http://www.delawareright.com/who-is-the-western-sussex-republican-club/ 3/12/15

http://www.delawareright.com/seems-chairman-calabro-has-flown-the-coop/  3/26/15

http://www.delawareright.com/did-vince-calabro-the-chair-of-the-sussex-gop-help-submit-falsified-documents-to-the-state-of-delaware/  3/28/15

http://www.delawareright.com/calabro-update/   3/30/15

http://www.delawareright.com/whos-afraid-of-the-big-bad-blogger-pt-ii/  4/8/15

http://www.delawareright.com/we-need-your-help-now/  4/11/15

http://www.delawareright.com/mistakes-were-made-oh-really/ 4/14/15

So there you are, all in one place. I stand behind every word, and if you are reading on that other site, I am sure you will see that I have backed up my views with times, dates, screen shots, statute, as well as my opinion. I trust thinking people to see through the shallow mean attempt by NDA and his snake pit to muddy the waters, to either simply attack me, or to protect their latest radicalized fringe candidate Lacey Lafferty.

You decide.


14 Comments on "Who Knows What’s Happening In The Sussex County GOP?"

  1. Nitpicker says:

    “even dog catcher”

    I wouldn’t have agreed with that in the past, but I have recently learned that the Office of Constitutional Dog Catcher is only to be entrusted to those who can cite the correct paragraphs of the Delaware State Code. Being handy with animals is apparently not very important.

  2. Pat Fish says:

    Oops…..two things….Don even wrote me a note telling me he can’t believe I got involved in all those lies.

    Don Ayotte is not even a Republican, why didn’t they call the police on him.

    Oh, and Frank, I forgot to include a tidbit in my own Blogger story that is very true and you know.

    For YOU, sir, were born to be a Blogger.

    You know it as well.

    It’s a curse.

  3. jamesf says:

    Suprised Don is protecting people especially Bruce Fitzgerald. Bruce publicly attacked Don in emails and at meetings. To the point he had to be removed by Sgt of Arms…..Wait sounds like a letter and police report recently released!

  4. Darn says:

    Frank, you are a very small man. This is a baseless rant.

  5. Frank Knotts says:

    Darn, if you are going to ignore the evidence then you had made up your mind before you saw it.

  6. Dan Byotte says:


    Thank you for putting all of the story in one location so we can follow it from the beginning. I was looking for it on the Midatlantic Dispatch but could not find the story.

  7. Frank Knotts says:

    I think you meant Mid Antic

  8. JS says:

    I was not able to attend the meeting. I was most interested in the treasurer’s report. Considering that the “faux” Western Sussex Republican Club gave all the checks back and asked for them to be reissued to a different entity, who paid the vendors for the dis”Unity” dinner? The dinner obviously wasn’t potluck it was catered. Who paid the caterer? The Nutter Marvel Museum didn’t donate its facilities, who paid them? The self congratulatory programs didn’t materialize out of thin air. Who paid the printer? If a penny of the Sussex County Republican Party’s money was expended, even if paid back later, it was misappropriated. Misappropriation of funds, besides being a crime, is cause for removal from office. Who paid the damn bills? As Deepthroat in the Watergate investigation said “Follow the money!”. Why isn’t LL, the only announced republican gubernatorial candidate from Sussex County demanding answers to these questions? Finally, which of these clowns issued press credentials to Don Ayotte?

  9. Frank Knotts says:

    JS, there are several references to the fact that Vince Calabro took care of the food. I believe that he prepared the food much in the same way he did for his last fringe candidate Just Jeff Christopher. What they don’t understand, among so many things, is that even if he donated the food, that is an in-kind donation that must be reported. We may have to wait till the end of the year report of the latest new version of this PAC to see if they do or not.
    Of course if it is anything like Lacey Lafferty’s report it will be highly detailed, like the $10 spent at a local pizza place. One does have to wonder how you hold a campaign meeting of any meaning with a single pizza, seam more appropriate for a dinner for a mother and her daughter.
    As for the press passes, well Don explained these like this,
    ” Frank
    Our press passes were not printed on a printer. David is the CEO of “The Midlantic Dispatch LLC” and I am the President and Managing Editor of the publication and our Limited Liability Corporation is a partnership. Either of us have the authority to issue press passes to our Staff Writers and that responsibility was mine as David has many other duties also. Our press passes were professionally made and are official.”
    So if you create an LLC, and pay a printer to make them, then your press passes are “OFFICIAL”! LMAO
    I guess we can expect Don and Wolf to be attending the White House press conferences now that they are “OFFICIAL”! RLMAO
    JS, just like when we were dealing with Just Jeff, these people are completely detached from reality. They are delusional and lie at will.
    And just like JJ, they will fail miserably.

  10. JS says:

    Frank, lets just say that I am skeptical that the chairman paid for the facility, dinner and printing out of his own pocket.

  11. Frank Knotts says:

    As am I JS, even if he did up front it is most likely possible that he was reimbursed from the thousand dollars in cash that is still unaccounted for. The invisible chairman refuses to come forward and put and end to so called speculation, instead he chooses to hide behind Silva and others and his dark minions who are spreading lies about people not even evolved in this for political cover for Lacey Lafferty.

  12. still concerned says:

    Frank you brought to light that Calabro’s notary commission had expired everyone claimed it hadn’t. Looking over Elections Commission documents for Lafferty and the Sussex Republican Club both have been resubmitted with a new Notary certifying them. I wonder why?

    Lacey Lafferty for Governor 2016 has been revised on 3/30/2015. The document clearly states “I authorize that all information included in this statement of organization is accurate and correct.”

    Linette Greener (Lacey’s sister) is listed as Treasurer
    The PHYSICAL HOME ADDRESS listed for Ms. Greener is not her PHYSICAL HOME ADDRESS.
    The PHYSICAL HOME ADDRESS listed is Lacey Lafferty’s.
    Ms. Greener’s PHYSICAL HOME ADDRESS is (Edited Frank Knotts)

    This is clearly more deception on Ms. Lafferty’s part so that she can control contributions received and how they get reported.

  13. Frank Knotts says:

    Still Concerned, there have been many changes to the Lafferty campaign since my articles, such as Vince Calabro being removed as the Treasurer of her campaign the same day she was on with Dan Gaffney and was asked about it. Her response was that they were in transition and wouldn’t be rushed into anything.

  14. mouse says:

    This is such a corrupt and backward state with one party rule. So sad the Republicans are more concerned about their tribal resentments than in governing..

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